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How to install an iPad Pro® in the Mobibooth Aura™

< 1 min read

This video shows how to install the iPad Pro 9.7″ (or other iPad) into your new Mobibooth Aura™ photo booth. In this video we will demonstrate:

NOTE: you want to perform these steps on a flat surface such as a table.

  1. How to remove the faceplate mirror and diffuser.
  2. Removing diffuser protective cover.
  3. Installing iPad Pro and connecting power.
  4. Installing the diffuser on the ring light.
  5. Installing the mirror faceplate.

The Mobibooth® brand was created so that people could own an easy to operate photo booth at a very affordable price. Photo booths don’t have to be complicated or expensive. Mobibooth® is as simple as it gets. Easy to use iPad paired with our custom software.

Download the written procedure Mobibooth® Aura iPad Installation Guide For V1V2V3